Dream Guitars - More Than Just a Guitar Shop

The craft of guitar building began in Europe centuries ago. Since that time guitars, the luthiers and the music have evolved beyond imagining; from classical to folk, from blues to bluegrass, from jazz to electric and everything in between. Through it all, the tradition of crafting an instrument worthy of a fine tune, from a slab of wood, is the tradition of the luthier.

In practical terms, there was a time that it was enough to be a quality instrument builder because word of mouth was what kept craftsmen in business. At some point, however, being a quality builder was not enough, You also had to wear the hat of a master marketing person and an internet savvy entrepreneur. It was at preciously this juncture in the road that some very talented luthiers fell by the wayside because they were simply not marketers by nature. Thankfully, it was also at this pivotal point in the history of luthiery that Dream Guitars came onto the scene.

“It was a sincere goal of mine to help luthiers market their craft. In the early days as I visited shops and got to know these great people, their passion and artistry captivated me and I wanted to be a part of their success.”- Paul Heumiller, founder of Dream Guitars.

For over 17 years Dream Guitars has been THE place that players go in the quest to find their dream guitar. Paul and his team have curated one of the world’s finest collections of luthier-built guitars and have showcased these handcrafted instruments with recordings by world-class players like Al Petteway. The end result is countless satisfied players, customers and builders around the world.

An important facet of Dream Guitar’s business model is giving back and community involvement. They have been instrumental in many initiatives that focus on bringing more music into the world. A partial list includes “Give to the Music”, LEAF (The Lake Eden Arts Festival) and Swannanoa Gathering Guitar Week.

In 2022 Dream Guitar’s community involvement extends to our initiative - Luthier’s for a Cause (LFAC). We are honored and so very grateful for their support and partnership. Luthier’s for a Cause 2022 is four world-class luthiers who are building four one-of-a-kind guitars to raise awareness about and funds for The Ukulele Kids Club. The UKC is an international charity that has helped thousands of children around the world to overcome the stress, anxiety and health challenges of serious physical and mental health conditions. Dream Guitars will be sharing news about this project throughout the year and ultimately making them available for purchase (late 2022) via their online platform.

Stay tuned to LuthiersforaCause.org for all of the details and visit Dream Guitars to find the guitar of your dreams!